Sunday, April 24, 2011


waiting for the miracle

Why I say that? Because, in this life, I know that I already make a lot of mistake, a lot of sin and that’s always inside this mind and I always regret it, but I’ve change now. I already try the best I can do to become a better person and try to do the same mistake that I already been made before. But the fact is, that I have to carry the whole mistake in my shoulder every day. I think my life is not getting better, should I just give up?

Is there a miracle for me to throw this whole “bad luck” from me? Is there anyone who cares about me? Is there someone who helping me when I’m in trouble, is there any shoulder I can use when I cry? I don’t  know what I should I  do now, it seems all the possibility is close for me, I meet the dead end! Is this the end for me?
This is the way I feel now, and I will try not to give up in this life, even I have to cry inside my heart, but I will try to survive. With this Old n New Wallpapers I will try to express the way I feel, inside me. Thanks for listening.

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